The ACF Master Cadet Competition is held annually at CTC Frimley Park, where some 20 cadets compete over a 24 hour period. Testing both their physical and mental aptitude requires the cadets to compete against each other both individually and as members of a team in a range of activities. These include command tasks, weapon training, field craft, shooting, orders (extraction and delivery), navigation, foot drill, first aid and military knowledge. There is also a panel interview. Cadets competing must have achieved Master Cadet status and have been recommended by their Cadet Commandant.
The winner, the ACF Champion Cadet, is presented with the ‘Claire Shore Trophy’ at the final parade of the Master Cadet Course held in October each year, although the Trophy resides at Frimley Park. The winning cadet is also awarded an engraved sterling silver medal and in addition a cheque to the value of £300.00, which is donated by The Cadet Kit Shop (see image of Tom Nugent of The Cadet Kit Shop, presenting a cheque to Cadet CSM James Loughhead and Major General R M B Nitsch, General Officer Commanding Support Command, presenting James with the Trophy).